"The eyes are a window to the soul." - William Shakespeare

A connection happens when we look into another's eyes. My goal with this project was to create something fun that I can be proud of while learning about smart contracts and donating to eye-deal causes. Eyelanders is a genesis NFT art collection of 10,000 eye-themed characters by Stephan Royer. Bodies are sculpted in 3d and the eyes are hand painted with various iris, pupil and highlight designs. I hope you enjoy the collection!

Q: What?

A: Eyelanders is a Non Fungible Token (NFT) profile picture (PFP) collection of 10,000 eye-themed characters on the Ethereum Blockchain. There are 9050 randomly generated Eyelanders with various rarities and 50 unique 1:1s in the collection.

Q: Utility?

A: No additional utility. This was an educational art experiment to raise money for charity while learning about NFTs.

Q: Cost?

A: .07 ETH

Q: Size?

A: 1000x1000px

Q: Where?

A: On site and The Opensea Marketplace

Q: Proceeds?

A: Funds generated by this collection will go toward Charity Water and individuals that have assisted with this collection.

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Q: Eye Spy?

A: Eyelanders that are visually inspired from other artist's work that will be auctioned individually and then funds given to those artists to support them.

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Q: Copyright?

A: Once minted, Eyelanders are YOURS to do whatever you wish, free of copyright concerns!

Q: Discord?

A: Not currently.